My Online Businesses
I hope I don’t disappoint you when I say that I don’t have THE business for you. I have many, and I help you decide which business is the best fit for you and believe me, I am filled with resources to guide you through that.
With that said, I do have my own online income producing businesses. So I will post them here and if you have questions or want to participate in any of them, we can talk about it.
There are many facets to building an online business:
- Choosing the one that suits you
- Converting your mindset from an employee mentality
- Converting your mindset from long grueling hours in your own business
- Creating and mastering a simple system that affords you a more pleasant lifestyle
Very often new online business builders need support not only with the actual business dynamics themselves, such as management and marketing but they need support in dealing with adversity from their family and friends, building their self worth and tapping into their capabilities, learning how to self motivate and prioritize and let go of of fear and doubt. What would it feel like if all that were resolved for you?
If you want support in taking action on launching your online business or taking your existing business and giving it an online presence, schedule a 30 minute session with me and let’s talk.
People often ask where I put my efforts into my own online business. The areas I focus on are: Coaching others to start their own online businesses, Essential Oils, Credit Repair, Affiliate Marketing, Creating Digital Products and I have an online store. I thoroughly enjoy my choices and what they provide me. Take a look.
Coaching – Online Business Building
Coaching – Life and Business
Online Store – Motivational Professional Apparel
Essential Oils – Young Living
Credit Restoration – Helping People restore financial integrity
I can’t possibly list all my affiliate market partners here (someday I may) and my digital products because they change often. But when we speak, ask me!
Would you like to have a complimentary Jump-start session with me? Book it here.